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Terry Fox Run Policies and Guidelines

Despite Terry’s relative youth when he ran the Marathon of Hope in 1980, he showed remarkable vision in establishing many of the policies. The Terry Fox Foundation (or “The Foundation”) abides by today. The principles that Terry valued so highly – integrity, honesty, concern for others, benevolence – form the very essence of The Terry Fox Foundation and the events that bear his name. His vision of noncommercial, all-inclusive events sets The Terry Fox Foundation apart in a highly competitive environment. Supporters donate to the cause in the true spirit of Terry Fox – selflessly, generously, and with great compassion for others.

In a world where it is widely believed that sponsorship, fundraising minimums and incentives are necessary elements for success, The Terry Fox Foundation stands alone. We truly appreciate the efforts made by our Organizers and volunteers to respect these guidelines in the organization of their events. Please consult your Provincial Office should you require further clarification.

Terry Fox Run Date

Policy: The Terry Fox Run is usually, but not always, held on the second Sunday after Labour Day each year.

Guidelines: Every effort should be made to host your Run on the National Date, keeping in mind that all promotional materials and media releases reflect that date. Please confirm the annual date with your Provincial Office before booking your site for the next year.


Policy: In accordance with Terry’s wishes, no individual, group, or company can earn any direct financial profit from their association with any event that bears Terry’s name.

Guidelines: Offers to sell products at any event with partial return of profits or to provide “% off” coupons are not permissible.

Non-Competition, Entry Fees and Use of Prizes

Policy: The Terry Fox Run is a non-competitive, all-inclusive, familyoriented event.

Guidelines: Timing, charging of entry fees or setting of minimum pledges are not in keeping with Terry’s vision of a Terry Fox Run. Awarding of prizes/incentives based on performance or pledge totals is not permissible. Draw prizes are permitted provided opportunity to win is based on chance (i.e. one chance per participant, NOT one chance for every $50 raised).


Policy: Funds raised through the Terry Fox Run must be directed in full to the Foundation. No pledges or donations from Run participants may be used to cover costs associated with organizing the Run.

Guidelines: Any goods or services required to hold a Terry Fox Run must be donated or be covered by specific donations from third parties (e.g. food, service, or security requirements).

Corporate Support

Policy: Companies or organizations that wish to support the Terry Fox Run must do so with no expectation of profile or sponsorship status.

Guideline: Corporate supporters may be acknowledged through a thank you board at the Run site, media coverage of a company’s participation or via Terry Fox Foundation produced hard-copy and electronic newsletters. Such acknowledgement cannot include corporate logos.

Merchandise and Promotional Materials

Policy: All materials are designed and produced by The Terry Fox Foundation. The printing of corporate names are NOT permitted on any Terry Fox materials or merchandise with the exception of team T-shirts.

Guidelines: Registered corporate teams and groups may purchase Terry Fox T-shirts and have their team name printed on the back or sleeve of the shirt. No logos are permitted.

Annual Design and Logo Use

Policy: Run Organizers may use the annual design to further promote the Run, but not the Foundation’s logo.

Guidelines: The Provincial Office will forward a copy of the design upon request – please do not alter it. The annual design cannot appear on any printed or electronic communication that bears the logo of any other group or entity.

Use of Terry Fox’s Name and Likeness

Policy: The Fox family has sole jurisdiction over the use of Terry’s name and likeness.

Guidelines: Any requests for use of Terry’s name or image must be made in writing and conveyed via the National Office ( to obtain approval by the Fox family.

Conjoining with Another Cause

Policy: Fundraising events that bear Terry’s name cannot be conjoined with any other cause, no matter how worthy.

Honours for Terry

Policy: Terry Fox Foundation employees and Terry Fox volunteer representatives are prohibited from pursuing naming and award opportunities in Terry’s name.